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Identify the type of files in folder

This command lists all the extensions used in the current folder.

find . -type f | sed 's/.*\.//' | sort | uniq

This will help when organizing a large disk.

Filterout Images and Videos while retaining the folder structure.

find . -type f  -exec sh -c 'mimetype -b  "{}" | grep -q "^image/" && mkdir -p "/path/to/images/$(dirname "{}")" && mv -v -n "{}" "/path/to/images/{}"' \; -o -type f  -name MyPhotos\*  -exec sh -c 'mimetype -b "{}" | grep -q "^video/" && mkdir -p "/path/to/videos/$(dirname "{}")" && mv -n -v "{}" "/path/to/videos/{}"' \;